Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (2024)

Jurassic World Evolution 2 lets you create and run your own Jurassic Park again. This time there will be more dinosaurs, more challenges and more dangers to navigate. This game has the potential to make any dinosaur enthusiast happy. We've listed all of the dinosaurs that are currently confirmed to be in the game and a little bit of information about them.

Read More: Jurassic World Evolution 2's Challenge And Sandbox Modes Highlighted

Table of Contents

  • Dinosaur List
  • Herbivore
  • Piscivore
  • Carnivore
  • Metriacanthosaurus
  • Troodon

Dinosaur List

There are three types of dinosaurs that you can get in the game, Herbivores, Piscivores, and Carnivores. We've listed all of the dinosaurs that are confirmed to be in the game and which section they belong to.


Herbivores are dinosaurs that will only eat plant life and vegetation in their surrounding environment. This means that they will not eat you on purpose but their size and nature can still make them a threat.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (1)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (2)

Genus: Cerapod/Ceratopsian
Era: Cretaceous

Nasutoceratops can be mistaken for Triceratops and though they are from the same family, they are different dinosaurs. Naustoceratops has two horns that sit quite low down on its head which makes it easy to distinguish from other Cerapods. It's also easy to identify because of its distinctly rounded snout.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (3)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (4)

Genus: Cerapod/Ceratopsid
Era: Cretaceous

As possibly one of the most recognisable dinosaur species known to humanity, Triceratops are thought to be one of the larger Cerapods. Its diet consists of plantlife and though it's believed they fed mainly on ground vegetation, it is possible that they could knock over trees to eat the foliage on them.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (5)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (6)

Genus: Cerapod/Ceratopsid
Era: Cretaceous

The large formation on the top of the head of a Chasmosaurus is known as the "Frill" and it is believed that it was used to communicate or attract mates. As with all Ceratopsid dinosaurs, Chasmosaurus had a beak that helped them to tear up the grass and eat various ground vegetation.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (7)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (8)

Genus: Cerapod/Ceratopsid
Era: Cretaceous

The crest on the head of a Torosaurus is believed to be the largest of any known Ceratopsid dinosaur. They would have lived in quite large social groups and the crest may have been used for display purposes. Also, Torosaurus had the signature beak of all Ceratopsid dinosaurs.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (9)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (10)

Genus: Saurapod
Era: Jurassic

Brachiosaurus is believed to be one of the tallest and largest dinosaurs that walked the earth. Their gargantuan size gave them a survival advantage as carnivorous predators would avoid attacking them. A unique feature of this dinosaur is that its forearms are longer than its rear legs which is uncommon in other Saurapods.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (11)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (12)

Genus: Saurapod
Era: Cretaceous

Amargasaurus, though on the smaller side of Saurapods, is still an impressive dinosaur. It has spikes on the back of its neck which it uses to protect itself from potential predators and it has sharp teeth which allow it to eat tough vegetation that others cannot eat.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (13)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (14)

Genus: Stegosauria
Era: Jurassic

Another one of the easiest dinosaurs to recognise is the Stegosaurus. Its spiny plates down the length of its back give the dinosaur its distinctive look but you need to steer clear of its tail! This dinosaur has long spikes at the tip of its tail to defend itself from predators.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (15)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (16)

Genus: Hadrosaurus
Era: Cretaceous

A Parasaurolophus walks on 4 legs but if it needs to reach food, it can use only its rear 2 legs. This dinosaur is easy to spot thanks to the crest that adorns its head. It has been speculated that this crest is a form of communication between their species or a way to attract a mate.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (17)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (18)

Genus: Ankylosaurid
Era: Cretaceous

Ankylosaurus dinosaurs are easy to identify due to the large club-like formation on their tails which are believed to have been used to defend them against predators. As herbivores, the Ankylosaur had interesting mouths as they had a beak at the front and blunt teeth near the back. Both of these features would have been perfect for eating vegetation.


Piscivores are dinosaurs that primarily eat fish but if it comes down to it, they can eat other things too.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (19)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (20)

Genus: Theropod
Era: Cretaceous

A Pteranodon may look dangerous but you only need to be concerned if you're a fish. The dinosaur's long pointed beak is more interesting than it looks as a Pteranodon does not have any teeth. Instead, it uses its beach to chew up food to help it to eat.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (21)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (22)

Genus: Theropod
Era: Cretaceous

If you look carefully at a Baryonyx, without getting bitten, you will see that its skull and mouth look a lot like a modern Crocodile. Its long claws allow it to grab prey, mainly fish, from the riverbank or by standing in bodies of water. However, if it becomes hard to find food then Baryonyx can switch to being a scavenger.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (23)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (24)

Genus: Pterosaur
Era: Jurassic

Dimorphodon may have wings but it's not the best at flying. Its short wingspan means that it cannot fly for long periods of time. If it needs to get anywhere, it will do short bursts of flight to get there. A Diomorphodon also has two sets of teeth which are bad news if you have gills.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (25)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (26)

Genus: Pterosaur
Era: Cretaceous

Tropeognathus had long snouts that had a distinctive bump/crest on the tip. This pterosaur had a wingspan that's believed to be slightly bigger than others of the same genus. Tropeognathus ate mainly fish and its long snout made it easy for this dinosaur to pick its prey out of the water.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (27)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (28)

Genus: Mosasaurs
Era: Cretaceous

A Mosasaurus is an aquatic dinosaur which means that you will need to have a large underwater enclosure should you want this dinosaur. It's an excellent predator as it has great vision and powerful fins that can propel it out of the water to get its prey. Mosasaurus can eat fish or other aquatic creatures.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (29)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (30)

Genus: Sauropterygian
Era: Jurassic

Plesiosaurs may look elegant as they use their fins to glide through the water but they are still an incredible hunter. Its long neck means that it can reach its prey from a distance and its powerful fins can effortlessly propel it through the water.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (31)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (32)

Genus: Spinosaurid/Theropod
Era: Cretaceous

Spinosaurus dinosaurs are easily identifiable thanks to the giant fan-like part on their back. Like many Theropods, the Spinosaurus had a lot of teeth that were designed to make a quick meal out of its prey. There have been debates about whether or not the Spinosaur was a piscivore or carnivore but most of the facts point towards the dinosaur being a talented piscivore.


Carnivores are dinosaurs that eat meat and meat only. There were multiple types of these dinosaurs but all of them were ferocious and deadly.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (33)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (34)

Genus: Theropod
Era: Cretaceous

A Carnotaurus has distinctive spikes sitting above each eye and a very big mouth. In its mouth, there are two sets of teeth that are perfectly designed to tear apart its prey. What makes this dinosaur even more interesting is that it had smaller forearms than a T-Rex!


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (35)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (36)

Genus: Theropod
Era: Jurassic

Allosaurus is another dinosaur with a big mouth with teeth that were perfectly suited to tearing apart its prey. This dinosaur has small bumps above each eye and quite long forearms. The long tail of an Allosaurus helped the dinosaur to keep its balance as it raced after its prey, making it a dangerous predator.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (37)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (38)

Genus: Theropod
Era: Triassic

Coelophysis may be one of the smaller Theropods but it was still a deadly predator. This dinosaur could race after its prey at immense speeds due to the fact that it had hollow bones. A Coelophysis was a bi-ped which means it only used its two rear legs to move. At the bottom of its legs, the dinosaur had sharp claws that it used to dig into its prey.

Tyrannosaurus Rex

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (39)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (40)

Genus: Theropod
Era: Cretaceous

As easily the most famous dinosaur in the world, the Tyrannosaurus Rex is thought to be the king of all dinosaurs. Its immensely powerful jaw and large serrated teeth made it a menace to any dinosaur it set its eyes and stomach on. Also, the massive size of a Tyrannosaurus Rex helped it to become one of the most, if not the most, dangerous dinosaurs to have walked the earth.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (41)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (42)

Genus: Theropod
Era: Jurassic

A Cryolophosaurus was the apex predator of its home which we now know to be Antarctica. If the name doesn't sound familiar then you may know it by its other name "Elvisaurus". This name was given to the dinosaur because of the crest on its head that is thought to look like the hairstyle of a famous singer. Also, it's believed to be one of the biggest Theropods of the Jurassic period.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (43)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (44)

Genus: Theropod
Era: Cretaceous

Another dinosaur that is easy to recognise and is feared by many. The Velociraptor is a pack hunter and is known to potentially have been one of the smartest dinosaurs in the world. Even if this dinosaur was alone, it was still deadly. They were fast, intelligent and they had sets of claws that were sharp and powerful enough to dig into the flesh of anything unfortunate enough to be their prey.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (45)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (46)

Genus: Theropod/Tyrannosaurid
Era: Cretaceous

In terms of dinosaur discoveries, Qianzhousaurus is still relatively new as its fossil was unearthed in 2010. This dinosaur had a longer snout than other Tyrannosaurids and the teeth were distinctly smaller and narrower. That being said, it's still thought to have been a powerful predator


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (47)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (48)

Genus: Theropod
Era: Jurassic

Metriacanthosaurus was a dinosaur that had been discovered by only a few pieces of its skull. This means that any reanimation or reconstruction of the dinosaur has been made from what we know about other dinosaurs of a similar species and age. Like many Theropod dinosaurs, it has small arms and relies on its powerful hind legs to chase after its prey.


Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (49)

Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (50)

Genus: Theropod
Era: Cretaceous

Troodon were small Theropod dinosaurs but they still had the small arms and powerful back legs of any Theropod. Some scientists believe that the brain of a Troodon would have been quite large when compared to the other dinosaurs of the same size. This would have made it a very clever dinosaur. In the game, Troodon are happiest with a few of their own kind.

We will update this list as we uncover more dinosaurs in the game.

If you're interested in playing Jurassic World Evolution 2 then you should take a look at our PC Specs guide if that's your desired platform. Also, we have an article that answers an important question about the game, is it coming to game pass?

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Jurassic World Evolution 2: All Dinosaurs (2024)


How to get all the dinosaurs in Jurassic World Evolution 2? ›

How To Unlock Every Dinosaur In Jurassic World Evolution 2. The two things that players will need to unlock every dinosaur in Jurassic World Evolution 2 are money and a Science Center. Science Centers analyze fossils brought back from dig site expeditions in an effort to collect enough of a species' genome.

Is there a dinosaur limit in Jurassic World Evolution 2? ›

Park species limits.

Whilst previous generation console players will be able to research and unlock all dinosaur species within the game; they may only display a maximum of 50 different species in their park.

What is the hardest dinosaur to get in Jurassic World Evolution? ›

4 Indoraptor

It's considered the toughest dinosaur to obtain in the base game. For starters, you need a research center on each of the game's five islands, a security rating of 90% on Isla Sorna, and $2,710,000 on hand.

What is the strongest dinosaur in Jurassic Park Evolution 2? ›

Indominus Rex

The creature took on many of the most dangerous qualities of these dinosaurs. Acting as the key antagonist in Jurassic World, the Indominous Rex was hyper-intelligent, strong, fast, and able to avoid detection.

Can you get water dinosaurs in Jurassic World Evolution 2? ›

Plunge into the ancient depths and discover four new marine species with Jurassic World Evolution 2: Prehistoric Marine Species Pack.

Can you get the Indoraptor in Jurassic World Evolution 2? ›

Indoraptor can't be unlocked through typical means, and instead requires the full genome of both Indominus and Velociraptor, five Research Centers across the islands of the Muertes Archipelago and a high rating with the Security Division on Isla Sorna.

Can dinosaurs eat humans in Jurassic World Evolution 2? ›

Yes the escaped dinosaurs will attack people and not just the carnivores.

What dinosaurs can live with T Rex Jurassic World Evolution 2? ›

It depends on which game you're playing:
  • In JWE1, they can co-exist with sauropods (other than Nigersaurus) and small carnivores (other than Velociraptor)
  • In JWE2, they get on fine with Coelophysis, Compsognathus, Moros, Oviraptor, Sinosauropteryx, and other rexes.
Nov 15, 2023

What dinosaur has the most appeal in Jurassic World Evolution 2? ›

NameRelease VersionAppeal (Per $1MM)
MegalodonPark Managers' Collection Pack541.2
PteranodonBase Game407.6
JeholopterusFeathered Species Pack382.8
DimorphodonBase Game476.8
33 more rows
May 16, 2024

Who is stronger, Indominus Rex or Giganotosaurus? ›

Boomstick: In the end, the Giganotosaurus may have been a fierce dino, but the Indominus Rex is shown to have both, the strength, smarts, experience, and ferocity, looks like the Indominus is truly InDominionable!

What dinosaur is stronger than T. rex? ›

On a good day, the giant, powerful Giganotosaurus could definitely kill a T-rex.

What is the weakest dinosaur in Jurassic World evolution? ›

In Game. Tuojiangosaurus is the third cheapest dinosaur. It is also one the weakest dinosaurs in the game due to its low health and unimpressive attack. Despite its mediocre stats, it has utility as a cheap Common Herbivore for battling and can be fused into Nundagosaurus later in the game.

Who would win, T-rex or Spino? ›

If it was a land battle Trex would destroy the spino but in the water spino would beat the rex. So from all the evidence its concluded that Trex would win 80% of the time due to its bigger brain better eyesight and stronger bite.

What is the biggest flying dinosaur in Jurassic World Evolution 2? ›

Quetzalcoatlus is a genus of flying reptile in Evolution 2. Originating from Late Cretaceous North America and by far the largest known pterosaur, it is part of the Dominion Biosyn Expansion.

Who would win, Indominus Rex or Indoraptor? ›

This is a one-sided fight. Indominus has all of the strength of the Indoraptor and is far stronger and bigger. Indoraptor is basically a Velociraptor on juice, and the Indominus is a T. rex on juice.

How many dinosaur species are there in Jurassic World Evolution 2? ›

Similar to the first game, Evolution 2 is a business simulation in which the player constructs a Jurassic World prehistoric theme park. The game features more than 75 prehistoric species, including various dinosaurs, pterosaurs and marine reptiles.

How do you unlock dinosaurs in Jurassic World? ›

In order to buy a dinosaur, however, the player must unlock it by completing a challenge in the Arena, an Earth Shattering unlock event or a Shake the Earth Tournament.

How to unlock Indominus rex in Jurassic World Evolution 2? ›

In Evolution 2, the Indominus rex is unlocked through Challenge Mode and the Jurassic World Chaos Theory mission, requiring the genome of Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor and Giganotosaurus. Once successfully incubated and released, the Indominus becomes available in Sandbox Mode.

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