Desert Dispatch from Barstow, California (2024)

DISPATCH. Barstow NOV. 2, 1971 heard man, claiming to speak for the LONDON-An explosion central London Irish Republican Army (IRA), throughout levels called Britain's Press ripped through the upper said the Office Tower- Association and of the Post Britain's tallest building- outlawed organization was of concrete and responsible. No one was showering tons injured street below. A in the explosion.

(UPI Photo) steel onto the Tito Calls UN Best Choice For LOS ANGELES (UPI)-President Tito of Yugoslavia, in his only major speech in the United States, urged America Monday to consider the United Nations as the best vehicle for world peace and to help countries existing in a "sea of poverty and want." His remarks came at a time when Congress was considering reducing its foreign aid proBarstow. BARS THEATRE LAST TIME TUES. -GPOPEN 6:45 "GUNFIGHT" "MURPHY'S WAR" START WED. R-17 OPEN 6:45 Warren Beatty and his. lady Friend Julie Christie carved out an empire in the wilderness of Washington State in 1900's, made up of gambling, drinking and Prostitution "McCABE and Mrs.

Miller" William Holden Ernest Borgnine "THE WILD BUNCH" STARTS WED. 3rd. R-17 "MACABE MRS. MILLER" "THE WILD BUNCH" STARTS SUN. 7th.




17th X-17 "THE SEDUCERS" 'FANNY HILL" Homeowners Must Wait On Property Tax Relief SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Gov. Ronald Reagan and the legislature once again have adopted a "wait 'til next year" stance toward property tax relief for California homeowners. It marks the seventh straight a legislature and a year governor have failed to deliver the reduced property taxes politicians of both parties have been promising voters for several elections. The last ray of hope for enactment of a major property tax relief program during the 1971 legislative session was blotted out Monday during a half-hour negotiating session between Reagan and two key lawmakers. Final talks broke down over how to guarantee that any property tax relief would be permanent.

Reagan insisted property tax rates be frozen. Democrats wanted them frozen only for owner -occupied homes, excluding undeveloped land and commercial enterprises. tax reform is no longer alive," Reagan said later, "it is simply because the Democratic leadership in the legislature will not agree to real and lasting property tax relief." "We're quitting," said the chief Democratic negotiator, chairman Joe A. Gonsalves of the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee. "It's over with.

I guess I was naive to think there was a chance in the first place." Reagan and legislators of both parties announced they now will concentrate on attempting to merely balance the state's $6.8 billion million in the red- -and possible provide some property tax relief for senior citizens. The legislature will have at least three "mini-packages" from which to choose. All three would impose state income tax withholding and reduce property taxes for senior citizens. in One, supported by Reagan and sponsored by Assemblyman William T. Bagley, R-San Rafael, would raise taxes by about a half billion dollars, including cigarettes by 3 cents of a pack, and provide for a $200 million one-time crash program to build higher education facilities, buy beach parks and make schools safe from earthquakes.

Another, proposed Monday by chairman Walter W. Stiern of the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee, would raise $674 million during the next fiscal year, provide $300 million for a one-time capital outlay and boost the indiviprogram dual income tax exemption by $5. The third, by Gonsalves, Judge Knauf Elected As Presiding Judge BARSTOW- Judge John P. Knauf has been elected Presiding Judge of the San Bernardino County Superior Court for 1972 by the eleven other Superior Court Judges. Judge Knauf was first appointed to the Superior Court in 1962 and has been re-elected during the nine years since.

He is currently serving as assistant presiding judge. The judge will follow Judge Edward P. Fogg of Needles as presiding judge. In that office, Judge Knauf, in addition to hearing cases himself, will be responsible for assigning all Superior Court cases to be heard by his colleagues and for supervising general court business in Ontario as well as San Bernardino. The presiding judge is chief policy maker and head spokesman for the Superior Court.

Under his authority are probation, naturalization and the appellate departments. Judge J. Steve Williams was elected assistant presiding judge to handle Judge Knauf's responsibilities in his absence. would raise about $400 million and close "loopholes" in the tax structure by reducing the capital gains exemption from 50 to 25 per cent and imposing a 5 per cent minimum tax on "preferential income." The Bagley and Stiern proposals will be considered Wednesday by Stiern's committee. Gonsalves said he will amend his proposal into another bill and set it for Assembly floor debate later this week.

Gonsalves and Sen. George Deukmejian, R-Long Beach, were about the only two legislators who had not long given up negotiating with ago Reagan on property taxes. But they threw in the towel Monday, and so did Reagan's finance director, Verne Orr. "Nobody got angry and said 'we'll never talk to you again," reported Orr. "But anything that's going to be done is going to be done next year." Deukmejian said Reagan's reason for refusing to freeze taxes on owneroccupied homes without also freezing them on other property was that this would establish two classifications of taxable property.

The senator said this was regarded as bad administrative practice. Now, all property generally is taxed at the same local rate. Demos, GOP Divide On Reapportionment Seats SACRAMENTO (UPI) -A Congressional reapportionment plan released today parcels out California five new seats by giving Democrats and Republicans two each and tossing the other up for grabs. However, dovish Rep. Paul N.

McCloskey, the GOP Congressman from San Mateo who plans to challenge President Nixon for their party's presidential nomination next year, could hold the key to whom gets the fifth seat. Religious Sect Takes Drug Tests SEATTLE (UPI) Some members of the Children of God have undergone a urine test at the methadone treatment center here to prove they are not drug users as parents of some members of the sect have charged. Those taking the test Monday paid $4 each. The samples will be sent to a laboratory in California. Dr.

Lawrence Halpern, director of drug abuse information for University Hospital in Seattle, said the urine samples are proof of non-drug use if the results are negative. The sect members went to University Hospital first, then proceeded to the methadone center when hospital officials said they did not have the facilities for the test. Linda Meissner, head "elder" of the Children of God, an offshoot of the Jesus People Army, told a news conference Sunday she had an extensive background of anti-drug work. "I have reached out to thousands of kids strung out on dope and tried to train them and work with them to help stop the acute drug problem in this city," Miss Meissner said. Assemblyman Henry Waxman, Democratic drafter of the of the new plan, said one Congressional seats California gained because of its population growth in the 1960s must be the located in Santa Clara County.

Waxman said McCloskey's current seat "becomes marginal," reapportionment rhetoric meaning it could be won by a Democrat. The seat presently 'has a 54 per cent Democratic voter registration edge, but under the proposed plan the number of Democratic voters would jump to 58 per cent. However, Waxman indirectly McCloskey, who encouraged, Temple Black for the seat three years ago, to move into the newly created district next door with a "heavy" Republican registration. "Should Congressman McCloskey run in the new seat, there is a possibility that a Democrat could win his 58 per cent Democratic District," Waxman said in a statement prepared for a news conference. Meanwhile, the Senate neared complete agreement on its reapportionment plan.

Republicans say privately they believe the Democratic-drawn proposal is probably the best they can negotiate with the majority party. The last major change in the plan replaced Sen. Robert J. Lagomarsino, R-Ojai, who had represented the coastal area of Santa Barbara County and the University of California at Santa Barbara, with Sen. John L.

Harmer, R-Glendale. Lagomarsino requested his district not include UCSB. Waxman, chairman of the Assembly Reapportionment Committee, said his Congressional plan had "little, if any, opposition" from either Republicans or Democrats. Dateline Barstow BARSTOW Community Players, Gen. Tonight, 7:30 p.m., Sheriff's Substation.

ALTRUSA Bazaar Workshops, Nov. 3, Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m., E. Barstow Branch, Sec. Pacific Nat'l Bank.

BARSTOW Heights Hilltopper Women's Club toy party, Nov. 3, 9:25 a.m., Community Building, and Rimrock Streets. AMERICAN Field Service Adult Chapter, Thursday, Nov. 4, 7:30 p.m., First Congregational Church. NEWBERRY Springs American Legion Auxiliary Unit 751, Regular Nov.

5, 7:30 p.m., Newberry Community Bida. ST. CECELIA Guild rummage sale, Nov. 5-6, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Paul's Episcopal Church.

MOJAVE Desert Allied Sr. Citizens Service Club, potluck and business meeting, election of officers, Nov. 7, 1 p.m., 35591 San Bernardino Daggett (OE0 headquarters). BARSTOW Chapter Order of DeMolay Mother's Club Dime-aDip Dinner, Nov. 8, 6 p.m., Masonic Temple.

BARSTOW Chapter No. 546, Order of the Eastern Star, Nov. 9, 8 p.m., Masonic Temple. AAUW General Nov. 10, 7:30 p.m., home of Mrs.

Clifford Blocker, 2045 Princeton. DISPATCH Published every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, FriSaturday, at Coolwater Lane, Barstow, San Bernardino day, County, California 92311. Entered at the post office at Barstow, California as second class matter under the act of Congress of March 6, 1862. Subscription $1.80 per month. CHARLES K.

DOOLEY EDITOR and PUBLISHER PATRICK DOOLEY TED BILLINGTON ASSISTANT PUBLISHER MANAGING EDITOR Hi! I'm Jack Johnson OLSAN'S MANAGER PRICE PROTECTION POLICY We guarantee that our prices are the lowest prices on fine quality home furnishings in the local area (75 mile radius). If you should find the identical merchandise (considering manufacturer, model number, and construction features type of filling, cover, etc.) for less than the price for which you bought it here, and advise us within 7 days after purchase, we will gladly refund the difference, plus 10 per cent. PLUS OLSAN'S CARRIES THEIR OWN ACCOUNTS olsan's NEVER A FINANCE COMPANY FURNITURE INTERIORS 236 E. MAIN BARSTOW 256-2216 Service Clubs 'Corruption' Probe Ends WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen- ate investigators today blamed the U.S. military for allowing "corruption, criminality and moral compromise" to flourish at service clubs and post exchanges in Europe and Southeast Asia during the 1960s.

In a 300-page report summing up its three-year probe, the Senate investigations subcommittee also dressed down the Armed Services particularly the Army -for sloppy law enforcement to the point of covering up and whitewashing scandals to protect high-ranking officers. Among its 41 unanimous findings and conclusions, the committee also: -Blasted three army generals, several other officers and civilian military personnel, a of career sergeants and a group host of businessmen for their roles in the world-wide web of intrigue. -Accused the Treasury, other unnamed government agencies and a number of U.S. banks of being derelict for not moving years ago to forestall the currency black market in South Vietnam. -Scolded a number of "large American corporations" including the makers of Carling Beer, Jim Beam Bourbon And cigarettes -for showering club and PX officials with costly favors to promote sales.

While the committee said it was not leveling "any general indictment" against the military as a whole, it nonetheless found that "greater vigilence was in order as was greater attentiveness to duty by persons up and down the chain of command." The final report, together with four bills to implement some of its 15 recommendations for reform, were to be filed in the Senate today. The committee said a copy would also go to the Justice Department for "appropriate action," particularly in the case of a central figure in the complex probe, former Brig. Gen. Earl F. Cole.

Flood Control To Select Representative BARSTOW-San Bernardino County Supervisor Wm. A. Betterley of the First District has announced that a joint meeting will be held between Flood Control Zone Advisory Committees Four and Six to select a representative to serve on the Board of Directors of the Mojave Water Agency. The meeting has been set for 1:30 p.m. Thursday Nov.

4 in the County Sheriff's Conference Room, 225 E. Mt. View Ave. in Barstow. As required by the State, one of the Directors must be a member of one of the two Advisory Committees.

The individual selected at the meeting will be recommended for appointment by the Board of Supervisors. Dodge Cars Dodge 1 Dodge Trucks Ca Jim Soutars Lodge city IN A WINNER of the shown above (L) along with LUCKY WINNER at Jim Soutar's Dodge George Soutar (C) and Chrysler drawing Sales Representative Ed City last Saturday was Margo the free Fitzpatrick (L) who made the Saenz, who received truck for 60 official presentation of the truck use of a 1972 Dodge days. The happy winner is to Saenz. (Dispatch Photo) 18-Year-Olds Vote In First General Election World Peace gram and was being urged to cut its portion of funding for U.N. expenses because of the admission of mainland China.

Tito was to go to Canada today for a five-day visit-the second major Communist leader to visit that country within the last month. Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin visited Canada last week. Security was expected to be as tight for Tito as it was for Kosygin, who was attacked in Ottawa and demonstrated against during his entire stay in Canada. Tito has spent the last week meeting with President Nixon and touring the United States.

In an address to more than 2,000 persons at a luncheon of the World Affairs Council at the Century Plaza Hotel Monday, Tito read only the first few sentences in his native language. The remainder was read in English by an interpreter. "We think the United Nations is the factor of peace to which we should all devote the greatest attention," he said. Tito, 79, called for closing "the gaps between the developed and the economically insufficiently developed countries. Obituaries Madison Proctor Bakersfield and Bennie J.

Murphy of Anaheim; three sons, Robert of Martin, Billy J. of Pomona and Bobby J. of Pomona; 23 grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren. Services will be held Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the Church of Our Heritage, Forest Lawn, Covina Hills.

Interment will be at Forest Lawn, Covina. Forest Lawn Mortuary in charge BARSTOW Services will be held tomorrow for Madison (Oakie) Proctor, 41, of 25609 Cheryle St. who died Saturday as a result of injuries sustained in a traffic accident. Proctor was a native of Oklahoma and had lived in the desert area for 30 years. He was a member of the Barstow Elks Lodge 1920 and the Lenwood Volunteer Fire Department.

He was employed at Barstow Tire and Brake Co. Survivors include his widow, Maureen; three sons, H. Blake, Ben A. and Troy a daughter, Lori his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Ike Proctor; a brother, Clinton, and a sister, Mrs. Bobbie Stephens, all of Barstow. Services will be held tomorrow at 2 p.m. at Mead Mortuary Chapel. Burial will be in Mt.

View Cemetery. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. today at the chapel. Zula E.

Parham Mrs. Zula E. Parham, 112 College died Sunday, Oct. 31, at Pomona Valley Community Hospital. Born Feb.

3, 1893, in Palmersville, she had lived in Barstow years. She was retired after working 40 years as a practical nurse. Survivors include five daughters, Bonnie Ruth Lee of Barstow, Virginia L. Bailey of Pomona, Bernice E. Daniels of Yuba City, Lucille R.

Colby of By United Press International Voters elect governors in two states and mayors in seven major cities today in the first widespread elections in which 18-20 year olds can play a decisive role. It was the first general election in which the 26th Amendment to the Constitution, lowering the voting age to 18, was in effect. The amendment became the law of the land June 30 when three-fourths of the states completed its ratification, adding an estimated 11 million potential voters to the national electorate. National interest in the offyear elections focused in part on Mississippi, where independent Charles Evers attempted to become the first black governor of the Deep South state. Evers, 49, the civil rights leader and mayor of Fayette, challenged Democratic nominee Willim 1 L.

"Bill" Waller, 45, a Jackson lawyer, who generally is regarded as a racial moderate. Waller was heavily favored. He scored a politic upset in August, beating Lt. Gov. Charles Sullivan.

A record turnout of 600,000 to 700,000 was forecast in the Mississippi election, but whites held a 70-30 per cent edge in voter registration. Evers, undaunted by predictions of his defeat, contended he would win by 25,000 votes, receiving the votes of many whites because he offers a "for all the folks of program this state, black and white." Waller, who gained national recognition when he prosecuted the accused killer of Evers' civil rights leader brother, avoided racism in his campaign. He stressed such issues as better roads, education, tourism, industrial growth and economy in government. The other gubernatorial election was in Kentucky. Thomas K.

Emberton, 39, a Republican, was paired against Democratic Lt. Gov. Wendell H. Ford, 46. Mayoral elections were scheduled in Philadelphia, Cleveland, Gary, San FrancisCO, Baltimore, Boston, and Indianapolis.

Ex-police chief Frank Rizzo, a Democrat who has projected a law and order image, sought the Philadelphia mayor's post. He was opposed in a bitter fivemonth campaign by Thacher Longstreth, a republican who has the support of some liberal Democrats. The Cleveland mayor's job was sought by Arnold R. Pickney, the black president of the City Bord of Education, who ran as an independent against a Democrat and a Republican, both whites. Pcikney was supported by black Mayor Carl B.

Stokes, who elected not to try for reelection. Black Mayor Richard G. Hatcher sought reelection Gary. He was favored over Republican Theodore T. Noring.


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Desert Dispatch from Barstow, California (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.