The Standard from St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada (2024)

THE ST. CATHARINES CITY and Five-0-Taxi, 685-5464. Dack's Shoes at Maroney's. Moving? Expert service. Barrow, 682-8982 anytime.

Latch hook rug canvasses wool. Petite Shoppe, 227-4157. PRUNES, grapes, peaches. Geneva St. Bingo, Port Dalhousie Lions Community Centre, Tuesday at 8.15.

$20 Rummage Sale, Westminster Church, Wednesday, 10 a.m. s20 ENROL THIS WEEK FOR SHAWN'S OPENING SPECIAL. tf Jackpot Lions, Merritton Community Centre, $500 -55 numbers, Monday 19th, 8 p.m. Return bus. s19 DIANE BRISSON DANCE STUDIO.

Modern, jazz classes for pre-teen, teen, and adults 682-7719. s19 LOUNSBURY MAJORETTES School. Home of St. Catharines Hi-Steppers. Enroll now 685- 9432.

s30 SHAWN'S IS OPEN. Indoor pool. Spacious new gym. Day and evening. No appointment necessary.

685-0383. tf Toronto in a Pontiac Grande Parisienne 24 hours for less than $25. Call Hertz Rent-A-Car. s19 St. Denis Bingo, Lake and Carlton, Thursday, Sept.

22, at 8 p.m. Jackpot 55 numbers. $100 must go. s21 Everything to delight the Ballerina at THE BOOT SHOP, Pink or Black ballet shoes, tap shoes: womens $7.98, childrens $6.98. s23 Royal Highland Fusiliers Memorial Auditorium.

Buffalo, Friday, Oct. 7th. Chartered 1 bus trip. For information call 934- 2632. s22 Fiore is back and will be glad old customers.

Your choice of three "Hollywood Barber Shop," 18 King St. $24 NIGHT CLASSES for ambitious people begin September 29th. Call 685-9421 or 685-6413 for information. St. Catharines Business College.

Educators since 1882. s28 We will be handling our usual top quality Muscat and Alicanti grapes. Carloads will be arriving CNR freight yards on Niagara St. All sizes of barrels also J. CALDERONE SONS, phone 685-9265.

s19 NOTICE: Ubaldo's Barber Shop, 9. Facer St. is now open with Mario, an experienced barber in attendance. Your continued patronage during Ubaldo's convalescence is appreciated. s19 Slovak Hall, Haggar Welland.

Monday, 8 p.m. Free buses from Union Bus Terminal at 6.30. Pick en route. 11 $10, 8 $20, $50, $500 special, One jackpot $150. 1 share.

tf MEETING The Handicapped Association of the Niagara District will hold its annual meeting and election of officers Thursday at 8 p.m. in Moose Hall, Permilla a meeting that is open to all who are interested. Doug Rapelje of Welland will be there to show a picture called Aging Is Everyone's Concern. GRANTHAM CHOIR Lorne Finn has been elected president TALL TALES SuRE Publishers Newspaper Syndicate, 1966 F19 STANDARD, Monday, Sept. VICINITY tf of Grantham United Church choir.

Vice-president sis Mrs. tf John Janzen; Mrs. KenRichards; Him ann; librarian, s19 David Gibson; assist. Mrs. Richard Armitage, Mrs.

John and Phillips and Alex Gibson; gown tf convener, Mrs. Joseph R. -Carter. RYSON'S UNITED STUDIOS OF MUSIC are now accepting registration, Spanish and Hawaiian guitar, accordion, trumpet, drums, clarinet and piano. We have a trial course of 20 weeks, supplying the instrument for beginners.

Semi and private instructions. 5 Court, 682-7219. s20 METEOR (Continued from Page One) painted its flaming swan song across the heavens before disintegrating in a brilliant rain of fragments on Indiana, Michigan and Ontario and Quebec. Dr. Newton G.

Sprague, associate professor of physics at Ball State University, searched the soybean field where an eyewitness said a "fire ball as big as a barn" fell Saturday night: "Fragments of meteorite very likely fell around Marion," Dr. Sprague said, "but what most persons saw was a burning cloud of ionized gasses, not a meteorite." He added that "the meteor could have broken up into such small particles it would be like the dust on your shirt." Telephone switchboards at radio and television stations throughout southern Ontario were flooded with calls after the meteor flashed across the sky. Sparks Cause Fire In Sudbury, there were reports that fragments of the meteor landed in that area causing two fires. Reports of the sightings were received from points as far away as Sarnia, and Denver, Col. The Quebec Provincial it was seen falling through skies above the Montreal area.

Dr. Sprague's day-long search, centred on a 20-acre. soybean field where Wayne Glassburn, 40, a farmer, said the meteor "lit up the sky with a ball of fire as large. as a barn. It trailed to the ground with jagged edges and looked like a dragon spitting fire." The light lasted about five seconds, he said.

There were no fires after the red glow disappeared. He reported hearing no sound. "Meteors are normally accompanied by an explosion or whizzing Sprague explained. "If Mr. Glassburn heard no sound, it is possible it was further away than he thought." TWINS (Continued from Page One) be required on the hearts, his team decided to separate the livers first, giving as much room as possible for heart surgery.

It took Dr. Simpson and Dr. William T. Mustard, a Toronto cardio surgeon, nearly hours to separate the livers and begin the difficult heart separation. Used Mesh The abdonominal incisions in the babies were too large to be closed by drawing their skin across and were closed with surgical mesh and, in Sherri Lee's case, the plastic dome.

The operation finally ended about 3:15 p.m. and a hospital bulletin said both babies "were alive and alert." Sherri Lee had erroneously been called Sherry Ann since her birth, but Mr. and Mrs. McGee brought the error. to the attention of hospital officials before the operation Besides Dr.

Simpson and Dr. Mustard, others on the team included another cardio-vascular surgeon, anesthetists, two general surgeons, two scrub nurses, four floating, nurses and four medical photographers to record each phase. Only seven other pairs of Siamese twins have been born in Canada in the last 15 years. All I have died, three after surgery. UNION LODGE NO.

16 Union Lodge No. 16, regular monthly meeting, Monday, Sept. 19th, at 8 p.m.. with Grand Lodge report being presented. All members urged to report.

A. Johnston, N.G.; D. W. Delano, R.S. s19 NOTICE NOTICE the undersigned, will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by any other than myself on and after this date, Sept.

19, 1966. FLORN HRANKOWSKI 8 Lily St. St. Catharines, Ontario. 19, 1966 THANT (Continued from Page One) to underdeveloped countries in stagnating, while the gap between them and the developed countries widens.

4. Blasted South Africa for continuing. its policy of apartheid, or separation of people according to race. 5. Told Britain it needs to take bolder measures against the Ian Smith government in Rhodesia, "even though they may be more difficult now to carry out than they would have been some months ago." Doesn't Want To Stay As the session drew nearer, Thant was still under considerable pressure from many UN members, including the United States and the Soviet Union, to reconsider his decision, announced Sept.

1, to retire as secretary general. Thant's first five-year term expires Nov. 3 and last Thursday, in a speech, to UN correspondents, he said member had better get on with the job of finding a successor. The Burmese diplomat has indicated that failure of efforts by himself and many others to move the Viet Nam dispute to the conference table was a major factor in his decision to retire. He said in his report he has done his best to cut down the fighting in Viet Nam, and get peace talks started.

But, "I have been increasingly distressed to observe that discussions of the matter (the Viet Nam conflict) have by and large been dominated by consideration and analysis of the power politics involved, and that is there has been much less concern for the tremendous human suffering which the conflict has entailed for the people of Viet Nam and also for the people of other countries involved in the Should Be Firm In his criticism of the peacekeeping committee, which was assigned the task of finding a universally acceptable legal and financial basis for UN peace forces such as those on Cyprus and the Israell-Egyptian frontier, Thant said its "negative" report shows a stubborn disagreement on basic principles and "a reluctance to come to grips with the "I must draw attention to the fact that peacekeeping activities of the United Nations, perhaps more than any other part of its work, have enabled the organization to gain a measure of public confidence which is in danger of being lost if the member states remain deadlocked on the constitutional and financial questions involved." The central issue is whether a peacekeeping operation needs the explicit authorization of the Security Council, as the Soviet Union and France say it does. Thant noted that the UN had helped to end a conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir a year ago, but fresh tensions had arisen and new violence erupted elsewhere. On the whole, he said, gains were far outweighed by setbacks and criticized the maout jor powers for a failure, in general, "to raise above the suspicions, fears and mistrust that spring from their different ideologies and from their different conceptions of the best interests of the rest of the world." He expressed "distress" over the violent changes of government that have occurred in a number of African countries in the last year. Unity Is Set Back "They have created a sense of instability which can easily be misrepresented or exaggerated to the disadvantage of Africa as a whole and, by causing an increase in tensions among African countries, they have produced a setback to- African unity." He had harsh words for South Africa, whose treatment of its non-white population continues to be "the most conspicuous and anachronistic mass violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms." He said the big powers and the countries that do the most trading with South Africa "have a special responsibility, as well as the means, to persuade the South African government to abandon its present course and seek a solution consistent with the charter of the United Nations, On nuclear weapons, Thant expressed concern about not only the atmospheric tests conducted by France and China, but also the underground tests that have been carried out by the United States, the Soviet Union and Britain. "It is difficult to conceive of any other reason for these underground tests than that they are intended to produce more sophisticated nuclear weapons or, perhaps, to develop anti-ballistic missile systems.

The possible consequences are If one power should get ahead development of a new weapon, "it could upset the exlisting uneasy balance of terror and lead at once to a new and greatly accelerated nuclear arms race." SPREADS WINGS OF SONG Steve Allen has made 30 records as a pianist and has written more than 2,000 songs. DEATHS CHEEVERS, Catherine--At Hotel Dieu Hospital, Saturday, Sept. 17, 1966, Catherine, wife of the late William James Cheevers, 315 Geneva in her 74th year; mother of Margaret and Joseph, both of this city; sister of Rev Sister Mary Julitta; of the Order the Immaculate Heart, Monroe. Mimico, Michigan, Mrs. John Ann Klein McCarthy of Pontiac, Michigan, Joseph Klein and George Klein both of White Rock, B.C.: also survived by two grandsons and one great-grandson; one son, Jack, predeceased her in 1945.

The late Mrs. Cheevers is resting at the Darte and Son Funeral dence, 39 Court St. at King until Tuesday morning, Sept. 20 at 9.30 will be sung in St. Catherine of o'clock.

A High Mass of Requiem Alexandria Cathedral at 10 o'clock. Interment will be made in Victoria Lawn Cemetery. Members the Catholic Women's League of St. Catherine of Alexandria Cathedral will recite the rosary in the funeral home this (Monday), afternoon at 3 o'clock. DACKIW, Michael- Hotel Dieu 50 Margery in her 59th year; Michael, husband of Mary Dobko.

Hospital, Sunday, Sept. 18. father of Janice and Richard, both of St. Catharines: brother of Mrs. Mary Sobkow of Detroit, U.S.A.

The late Mr. Dackiw is resting at the Darte and Son Funeral Residence, 39 Court St. at King until Thursday morning, Sept. 22, 1966. at 8.30 o'clock.

A High Mass of Requiem will be sung in the Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius at 9 o'clock. Interment will be made in Victoria Lawn Ceme-1 tery. Panachyda in the funeral home on Wednesday evening at 8.30 o'clock. $21 FRIESEN, Elma Margarete Suddenly as the result of an accident. Friday, Sept.

16, 1966, Elma Margarete Friesen, of 11th Street Louth, RR No. 3, St. Catherines, in her 15th year, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Friesen Jr.

and sister of Albert. Edwin, Randal, Louise, and Carol all at home. Resting at the Tallman Funeral Home, Highway 8, Vineland. Service in the United. Mennonite Church, Vineland, Tuesday at 2 p.m.

Interment following. s19 FRIESEN, Suddenly as the result. of an accident. Friday, Sept. 16.

1966, Sarah Friesen, of Culp Road, Vineland, in her 65th year, wife of Jacob J. Friesen, and mother of Jacob and Walter of RR 3, St. Catharines: John of RR 2, St. Catharines; Mrs. Fred (Sarah) Allison, of Jordan: Mrs.

John (Lena) Goertzen, of Vineland: Mrs. Frank (Irma) Goert. zen. and Mrs. Henry (Justiena) Cornies both of St.

Catharines, sister of Jacob Klassen of Vineland. John Klassen of Yarrow, B.C.: Mrs. Aron Wiebe of Chilliwack. B.C.: Mrs. Peter Neufeld.

of Tofield, Alberta, Mrs. Abram Wiens, of Vineland. Resting at the Tallman Funeral Home, Highway 8, Vineland. Ser. vice in the United Mennonite Church, Vineland, Tuesday at 2 p.m.

Interment following. $19 LANDRY, Lucy Wedge-Beloved wife of Walter Landry, in her 81st year, after a lengthy illness at Charlottetown Hospital, P.E.I. Survived by two sons. Gerald and Cyril (Cy), both of St. Catharines.

Interment to take place at P.E.I. MELANSON, Lillian Edith--Suddenly at the home of her son, in Exeter, Lillian on Sunday, Sept. 18. 1966, Edith Melanson of 53 Division wife of Ernest Melanson, in her 63rd year; dear mother of Harry Page of Exeter, William Page. and Mrs.

Ivan (Dorothy) Galway of St. Catharines. Mrs. Melanson will rest at the Winter and Winter Funeral Home, 89 Ontario St. at Salina, until 10.30 o'clock will be Wednesday held morning.

Serin St. George's Church at 11 o'clock. Interment will take place in Victoria Lawn Cemetery. The family will receive their friends at the funeral home today and tomorrow from 2 and 7 to 9 o'clock. s20 ROBERTSON, Rose At West Lincoln Memorial Hospital, by, on Sunday, Sept.

18, 1966, Rose Robertson, wife of the late Peter Robertson, in her 88th year; and mother of Frances and Ruth. Resting at the Tallman Funeral Home, 21 King St. East, Beamsville. Service in the Chapel on Wednesafternoon at o'clock. Interment in Mount Osborne Cemetery.

As expressions of sympathy, to the Baptist Women's Missionary Society would be appreciated. $20 ROGERS. Kenneth Suddenly at the Hotel Dieu Hospital, Catharines on Sunday, Sept. 18. 1966, Kenneth Rogers, 129 Dundurn St.

Catharines. Formerly of St. Hamilton, in 56th year. Beloved husband of Vera Armstrong; dear father of Norma and Leslie, St. Catharines: Lorne and Robert.

Hamilton. Also survived by 8 grandchildren. Resting at the Dodsworth and Brown Funeral Home, Main St. W. at Bay Hamilton.

Service the chapel on Wednesday at 3 p.m. Interment in Woodland Cemetery. s20 SCHOONINGS, Cornelius On Saturday, Sept. 17, 1966, at the Niagara Peninsula Sanatorium. band of Maria Hermens: dear Cornelius Schoonings, beloved husfather of Henrietta, Lamberdina, Anthony, Cornelius, Francis, Joseph, Kathleen and Gary at home: also survived by two brothers and four sisters in Holland.

At the Gordon E. Morgan Funeral Home, 415 Regent Niagara-onthe-Lake. Requiem High Mass at St. Vincent de Paul Church on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment, Church Cemetery, Friends will recite the rosary at the funeral home on Monday evening at 8 o'clock.

UNDERHILL, Samuel At the Niagara Hospital, Niagara-on-theLake, on Sunday, Sept. 18, 1966, Samuel Underhill. 60 Picton Niagara-on-the-Lake, husband of late Margaret Dooley; brother of Joseph Underhill, St. Thomas, and uncle of several nieces and nephews. Resting at the funeral chapel of Hetherington and Deans.

1176 Victoria Niagara Falls, Ont. Service in the chapel, Wednesday, Sept. 21 at 2 p.m. Interment Fairview Cemetery, Falls. $20 NOBLE S.

CROWE AND SON Funeral Service THOROLD 26 ORMOND ST. 227-1732 PERCY The Weather Scene FORT. SON MILD HARRISON 50 GOOSE ANCOUVER 4 60 A SHOWERS: RIGINA SHOWERS SEATTLE FORT MONTRE AL HALN AX SALT LAKE WARM 75 68 9 70 BOSTON cITY SAN FRANCISCO 78 NEW YORK OMAHA CHICAGO DENVER WASHINGTON BERMUDA SHOWERS CAM HATTERAS CHARLESTON Temperatures will be a little cooler in across the West. Some shower activity is most of Eastern Canada today as a cool air forecast for 'the Prairies and parts of the mass moves down from the Arctic. Temper- Maritimes.

Figures on the map indicate exatures will range from warm to very warm pected high temperatures today. -CP Wirephoto Today's Forecasts TORONTO (CP) Forecasts, issued by the weather office at 5:30 a.m.: Synopsis: Mainly sunny conditions are expected today with some cloudiness likely across central and eastern sections as the cooler air moves farther south. Considerable cloudiness is forecast for southwestern areas on Tuesday where not much change in temperature is anticipated. Elsewhere it will be mainly sunny and cool. Lake St.

Clair, Lake Erie, southern Lake Huron, Windsor, London: Sunny with a few cloudy cloudy Tues a y. Not much periods today. Mainly change in temperatures. Light winds. Niagara, Lake Ontario, northLake Huron, southern Georern gian Bay, Algoma, Sault Ste.

Marie, Hamilton, Toronto; Sunny with a few cloudy periods and not quite so warm today. Variable cloudiness and cooler Tuesday. Winds light today, easterly 15 Tuesday. Haliburton, Killaloe, northern Georgian Bay, North Bay, Sudbury: Variable cloudiness today Sunny with a few cloudy periods Tuesday. Cooler.

Winds easterly 15. Timagami, White River, Cochrane: Sunny with a few cloudy periods and cooler today. Mainly sunny and not quite so MRS. ERNEST MELANSON Lillian Edith Melanson, 62, of 53 Division wife of Ernest Melanson, died suddenly yesterday at the home of her son in Exeter. She was born London, Eng.

and came to St. Catharines when one year of age. Mrs. Melanson was a of St. George's Anglican Church.

She is survived by two sons, Harry. Page, Exeter, and William Page, city; a daughter, Mrs. Ivan (Dorothy) Galway, city; 10 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Mrs. Melanson will rest at the Winter and Winter Funeral Home until 10.30 a.m.

WednesService will be held in St. George's Church at 11 a.m. Burial will be in Victoria Lawn Cemetery. MRS. PETER ROBERTSON BEAMSVILLE Mrs.

Rose Robertson, 87, widow of Peter Robertson, of 200 William St. Beamsville, died yesterday in West Lincoln, Memorial Hospital, Grimsby, where she had been a patient for 12 days. Born in Beamsville, Mrs. Robertson had lived here all her life and was the oldest living member of First Baptist Church She belonged to many of the women's organizations of the church, as well as to the Beamsville Women's Institute. Her husband died in 1959.

Mrs. Robertson is survived only by her two daughters, Frances and Ruth, both at home. She is at the Tallman Funeral Home, Beamsville. Service will be Wednesday at 2 p.m in the chapel with burial in Mt. Osborne Cemetery.

MICHAEL DACKIW Michael Dackiw, 58, of 50 Margery died yesterday in Hotel Dieu Hospital after a long illness. Born in Poland, Mr. Dackiw had lived here for 24 years and had been an employee of McKinnon Industries Ltd. for that time. He was a member of Sts.

Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church, of the Ukrainian Federation and UAW-CIO Local 199. Mr. Dackiw is survived by his wife, Mary; his daughter, Janice, city; his son, Richard, city; and his sister, Mrs. Mary Sobkow, Detroit; one grandchild. He is at the Darte and Son Funeral Residence until 8:30 a.m.

Thursday. A high mass of requiem will be sung in Sts. What Was That Siren? St. Catharines fire department and ambulance calls the 24-hour period to 8 a.m. today were: 11.34 a.m.-Grantham High School, Linwell rubbish fire: 12.13 p.m.- 48 Centre ambulance, man to General Hospital.

2.11 p.m. -Grantham Plaza; ambulance, man and woman to General Hospital, 2.24 p.m.-1 Downing building fire. 408 -St. Paul Crescent and Bellvue ambulance, man to General Hospital. 9.16 p.m.

77 Jacobson ambulance, woman to General Hospital. 9.32 p.m. Lancaster Ball Park No. ambulance, man to General Hospital. 10.27 p.m.-10 Norris Place; ambulance, man to Hotel Dieu.

11.26 p.m. --129 Highland ambulance, man to Hotel Dieu. Calls in the 24-hour period -to 8 a.m. Sunday were: 9.44 a.m. Police station; ambulance, a woman to General Hospital.

12.01 p.m. Bellvue Nursing Home; ambulance, woman to Hotel Dieu. 4.23 p.m. Along railway tracks at Linwell grass fire. 6.39 p.m.

162 Lake ambulance, woman to General Hospital. 8.06 p.m. Welland and Tasker malicious false alarm. 8.49 p.m. 13 Shepherds lockout.

10.43 p.m. 6 Stillwater Bay; rubbish fire. POSTAL (Continued from Page One) Local 419 of the Canadian Brotherhood of Teamsters, indicated his union would also support the LCU. Ray Andrus, president of the LCU's Vancouver local, said the government bill would destroy both unions. Couldn't Negotiate Under the new bill, he said, the LCU would not be allowed to.

negotiate transfers, promotions, pensions or dismissals. "It means compulsory arbitration." Union spokesmen estimated their demands would cost the government $33,000,000 a year. In Montreal, Louis Laberge, president of the Quebec Federation of Labor, said Sunday Canada's postal workers will not accept compulsory arbitration to settle their proposed strike. "I would rather go to jail than accept compulsory arbitration," he said, adding that the QFL would never advise postal workers to go back to work and face compulsory arbitration. BIRTHS BALANOWSKI- With thanks to God, Steve and Anne Balanowski (Rusnak) are very happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Deborah Anne, Sept.

18, 1966. at the Hotel Dieu Hospital. A sister for Stephen; also special thanks to Dr. Quinlan hospital staff. CALLAGHAN Mr.

and Mrs. Bob. Callaghan are happy to nounce the birth of a son, James Robert, on Sept. 18, 1966, at the Hotel Dieu Hospital. A brother for Terry.

With great thanks to Dr. J. A. Wright and hospital staff. CAPTEYN Harry and Coby Capteyn are happy to announce the birth of a son.

Cornelis on Sept. 17. 1966, at the Hotel Dieu Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Belton and hospital staff.

FOOTE Foote are birth of a 1966, at the Hospital. A Mr. and Mrs. James happy to announce the daughter on Sept. 18.

St. Catharines General sister for Luanne, MAMBELLA Harry and Coby Mambella are happy to announce the birth of a son, Sept. 17, 1966, at the Hotel Dieu Hospital, A brother for Elizabeth. Thanks to Dr. Belton and hospital staff.

MILLER- Jo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller announces the birth of her sister on Sept. 17, 1966, at the St. Catharines General Hospital.

Third granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. D. Simpson and second granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs.

D. Miller, HAGE and Mrs. Peter Hage Jr. are proud to announce the birth of a son, Pieter Johanes, on Sept. 16, 1966, at the Hotel Dieu Hospital, NOTICE the undersigned, will not be held responsible for any debts contracted in my name by any other than myself on and after this date, Sept.

16, 1966. David Arsenault, Vine Apt. 5, St. Catharines, Ont. s19 STANDARD COAL ICE DIAL 682-3301 Frontier EQUIPMENT OFFICE SALES SERVICE ADDERS TRADE TERMS 101 GENEVA ST.

684-9486 (Continued from Page One) phoned a neighbor, Dr. Robert P. Hoff. was dead when he arrived. Mrs.

Percy was unable to describe the killer. Dr. Andrew Toman, coroner of Cook County, said the "attacker obviously came into the house to murder someone." But Police Chief Daley was unwilling to commit himself to this theory or to- one that the crime had started out as a burglary. Valerie, a June graduate of Cornell University, had been working in her father's campaign. Percy's campaign manager said Percy is still in the race for senator but that campaigning will be- suspended.

Senator Douglas said he, too, was calling off his campaign. IN MEMORIAM BROWN In loving memory of our dear dad and papa, Robert T. Brown, who passed away one year ago, today. sometimes Sept. 19, comes 1965.

Death to let us know. We love more dearly than we show, But loving in death shall let us see, What love in life should always be. -Greatly missed by "May, Siem, and Andrew, Temperatures LOCAL High Saturday 74 Low Saturday night 49 High Sunday 71 Low last night 48 8 a.m. today 55 ELSEWHERE Low overnight, high Sunday Dawson 54 62 Vancouver 47 65 Victoria 49 67 Edmonton 78 Calgary 47 83 Regina 49 80 Winnipeg 49 75 Churchill 49 Lakehead 76 White River 42 73 Sault Ste. 50 Kapuskasing 28 Earlton 37 North Bay 46 Sudbury 75 Muskoka 49 73 Windsor 50 74 London 46 73 Toronto 75 Trenton 74 Killaloe 76 Ottawa 75 Montreal 75 Quebec 39 65 Halifax 70 Detroit 51 79 New York 64 79 New Orleans 69 87 Tucson 70 92 Los Angeles 63 88 daughter, Margaret, and a son, Joseph, both of this city.

A son Jack, died in 1945. Also surviving are two sisters, Rev. Sister Mary Julitta of the Order of the Immaculate Heart, Monroe, and Mrs. Ann McCarthy of Mimico, three brothers, John Klein of Pontiac, or Joseph and George Klein, both of White Rock, B.C. There are two grandsons and one greatgrandson.

Mrs. Cheevers is resting at the Darte and Son Funeral Residence, until Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. A high mass of requiem will be sung in St. Catherine of Alexandria Cathedral at 10 a.m. Interment will be in Victoria Lawn Cemetery.

Members of the Catholic Women's League of St. Catherine of Alexandria Cathedral will recite the rosary in the funeral home today at 3 p.m. Pilot, Passenger Found Safe On Ground TRENTON. Ont. (CP) The air sea rescue unit here reported today that a young airplane pilot and a girl passenger, missing since Sunday evening on a flight from Wingham, turned up safely this morning.

Ronald Hitchings, 19, of Wingham and Shirley Martins of RR 4, Wingham, walked out to a highway in Greenock Township, Bruce County. There was no immediate information on what happened to the light plane in which they had taken off for a 30-minute hop. They turned up about 25 miles from where the plane had taken off. Grape Festival Program MONDAY. SEPT.

19 8:00 p.m. Party Rose, sponsored by Jordan Lions, Beacon Motor Hotel. 3:15 p.m. Fastball at Lancaster Park each night through the week. TUESDAY, SEPT.

20 5:00 p.m. 11 p.m. (also Wednesday and Thursday), Hot Rod and Custom Car Show, Lincoln Curling. 8:00 p.m. Festival film show, The Vineyard, Summer St.

BROWN In loving memory of a dear dad and pap, Robert Thomson, who passed away so suddenly one year ago. You left us quietly, your thoughts unknown, But you left us memories we are proud to own. -Sadly missed by Elma, Eldon and the children. cool Tuesday. Winds easterly Ottawa region: Sunny with a few cloudy periods today and Tuesday.

Seasonable temperatures. Winds light. Western New York Sunny periods and warm today. High temperatures in the mid 70s. Fair and cool tonight.

Lows generally between 45 and 50. WEATHER ADVISORY for fruit and vegetable growers or Niagara district, issued at 10 a.m. today by Hamilton weather office: Sunny with a few cloudy periods and not quite so warm today. 'Variable cloudiness and cooler Tuesday. Winds light today and easterly 15 tomorrow.

Low tonight and high tomorrow, 50 and 65. Temperature will average near normal Tuesday through Saturday. Normal high is 71, normal low 51. A little cooler Tuesday, then little day to day change. Precipitation will ring as showers mid-week.

average one quarter inch occurMarine forecast Lake Superior: Winds east to southeast 10 to 15 knots. Partly cloudy. Lake Huron, Georgian Bay, Lake Erie, Ontario: Winds easterly 15 to 20 knots. Partly cloudy. SUN TIMES TOMORROW Rises 7.02 a.m.

Sets 7.21 p.m. OBI OBITUARIES ES Cyril and Methodius Church at 9 a.m. with burial in Victoria Lawn Cemetery, Panachyda will be said in the funeral home at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. SCHOONINGS CORNELIUS NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE Cornelius Schoonings, 46, of 529 Simcoe, died Saturday at the Niagara Peninsula Sanatorium, after an illness of.

five months. Born in Holland, Mr. Schoonings came to Canada in 1949 and settled in the Ottawa area. He lived in Tweed for three years before coming to Niagara in April, 1952. He was employed at Genaire as a carpenter for the past ten years.

He was a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Church, Niagara-on-the-Lake, and the United Auto Workers' Union, Local 199. He is survived by his wife, Maria; five sons, Anthony, Cornelius, Francis, Joseph and Gary; three daughters, Henrietta, Lamberdina and Kathleen, all at home; and four sisters living in Holland. He is at the Gordon E. Morgan Funeral Home, Niagara-onthe Lake.

-Requiem High Mass be sung at the St. Vincent will de Paul Church Tuesday at a.m., with burial in the church cemetery. Friends will recite the at the funeral home Monday at 8 p.m, MRS. WILLIAM J. CHEEVERS Mrs.

Catherine Cheevers. 315 Geneva died Sunday at Hotel Dieu Hospital at the age of 73. Born in Seaforth, she was a resident of this city for the past 55 years. She was member of St. Catherine Alexandria Cathedral and also of the Catholic Women's league in that parish.

Mrs. Cheevers' husband died in 1958. She is survived by BROWN-Cherished memories of my dear husband and. dear father, Robert Thompson Brown, re-united with our beloved daughter, Betty, on Sept. 19, 1965.

Never more than a thought away, Loved and remembered every day. Sadly missed by his wife Mamie and family. MILLER--In loving memory of a dear husband and. father. Donald Roy Miller, who passed away Sept.

19, 1965. Remembrance is a golden chain, Death tries to break, all in vain. To have, to love, and then part, Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart; The years may wipe out many things. But this they wipe out never. The memory of those happy days When we were all together.

-Always remembered by wife Cindy, and children Andrea. Donald Allan, Christopher and James. MILLER -In loving memory of. a dear son, Donald Roy Miller, who passed away Sept. 19, 1965.

When evening shades are falling, And we sit in quiet alone, To our hearts come a longing, If he only could come home. Friends may think we have forgotten, When at times they see us smile; But they little know the heartache Our smiles hide all the while. -Always remembered by mother and father. MILLER--In loving memory of dear brother. Donald Roy Miller, who passed away Sept.

19, 1965. Dear brother you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no Still in memory are with us, As you always were before. -Lovingly remembered by sister and brothers. RAMSEY In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Ernest Hugh Ramsey, who passed away at Belfast. Northern Ireland, Sept.

19, 1964. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. -Ever remembered by wife Hettie, daughters Martha, Rita, in-law Richard. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Ernest E. Sykes express their sincere thanks to the many friends, neighbours and relatives for the acts of ness extended to them during their recent bereavement, also for cards of sympathy and floral tokens.

Special thanks to Mrs. V. Bademan and Hunters staff. Mrs. E.

Sykes and family. Sexton SON FLORISTS "Flowers Say It Better" 115-117 George 685-5525 Pen Centre 684-9793 COLONIAL FLORISTS LTD. LIVING FLOWERS for any occasion 934-3333 577 ONTARIO FLOWERS from Vine St. FLORAL GARDENS 685-4248 LTD. "We Grow Our Own" 310 N.

VINE STREET FLOWERS For Every Occasion DUNN BROS. LTD. 106 Queenston St. Telephone 684-4383 Due to the Deaths of Mrs. Sara Friesen and Elma Friesen HENRY'S SUNOCO SERVICE 333 Geneva Street WILL BE CLOSED TUESDAY, SEPT.


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.